Interested in the lab space?
Do you want to start a project?
Host an event?
Something else?
We can provide:
Storage, equipment, advice
Logistical assistance with supplies
Safety training
How can you get access to the lab?
Reach out to the Lab Managers, the lab is available on request!
We can help you with your required on-site safety training.
How can you get involved in lab management?
Join our channel (#labmanagercommittee) in the Agara Slack!
Reach out to the Lab Managers!
What capabilities do we offer?
PCR Thermal Cycler
Wet and Dry Baths
Incubator (26°C and 37°C)
Shaking Incubator
-10°C Freezer
-20°C Freezer
-80°C Freezer
+4°C Fridge
Fume Hoods
Class II Biosafety Cabinet
Sorvall Legend XTR Centrifuge (4,800 rcf)
Microcentrifuge (21,2130 rcf)
Electronic Scales
Micropipettes/Serological Pipettes (+ associated tips)
Inoculation Sticks/Loops
UV Flashlight
Gel Boxes
Gel Imager
Nanodrop One
Prusa 3D Printer
Opentrons OT-2 Lab Automation Robot w/Magentic & Thermocycler modules
Need something we don’t have? Talk to us!